
I’ve created numerous websites, including the one you’re looking at. They require a grasp of both design and technology, along with a strong sense of purpose. The key is to keep the site focused, so that information is available with the fewest number of clicks. But I’m never afraid to throw in a few digital fireworks when the occasion calls for it.


I created the following site for my brother,  Bill Delaney. After an extensive career in broadcast journalism Bill was launching a public relations business. This site encompasses his goals and accomplishments in the world of PR, along with some clips from his years on camera for CNN. Just click on the image to get a look at the site.

Susan Osberg is a multitalented choreographer, teacher and writer. She is also a good friend. This site encompasses her extensive career working on some of the most notable dance projects of the last few decades. Click on the image for a link.